Bezier Sim
A simulation leveraging the power of bezier curves
- C++
- Bezier
Biggs & Bognar - Web Development
Professional web development solution for businesses and individuals.
- Web Development
- Full Stack
- Custom Solutions
My personal website build with Next.js 14 app router
- NextJs
- Tailwind
- Supabase
Console Racer
An oldschool pixel graphics racing game for your terminal
- C++
- Game
- olcGameEngine
KJ Curtains & Nets
An online order store for KJCurtains in St. Austell
- NextJs
- Tailwind
- Biggs&Bognar - The Ultimate Team Card Game
A vibrant, AI-powered card game where teams race against the clock to guess popular topics!
- NextJs
- Vercel AI
- Tailwind
Tank Game Comp201
A Tank game using Trigonometry and Physics
- C++
- Physics engine
VVS Stations-Ratespiel
An interactive game where users can test their knowledge of the Stuttgart transit system.
- Next.js
- Mapbox
- Shadcn UI